Friday 22 August 2014

Passion flower


Light is a key factor in growing healthy orchids. Direct sunlight may cause plants to burn, and too little light will prevent plants from flowering. An ideal location is behind curtains or window blinds. If you receive your plant by mail, expose it to light gradually in stages over a period of several weeks.
Leaf color is a good indicator of the amount of light a plant is receiving. Orchids should have bright green, healthy leaves. Dark green leaves indicate that a plant is getting insufficient light, and yellowish-green or red leaves indicate that a plant is getting too much light. If you suspect a plant is exposed to too much light, feel the leaves. If they feel noticeably warmer than the surrounding air, move the plant to a location with less intense brightness.

Low light, Warm growing orchids enjoy a north or an east, protected west or shaded south windows of the home. Standard household temperatures are adequate. Orchids that are classified as low light, warm growing are: Paphiopedilum or Lady SlipperPhalaenopsis and Oncidium.

Moderate to high light, Warm growing orchids. These orchids like a lot of light and warm household temperatures. They thrive in a west or south window. From early May to late September, you should watch light levels in south windows to avoid burning; you may have to move your orchid away from the window or place them behind a sheer curtain to decrease light intensity. These orchids like to dry between watering. Orchids that are classified as moderate to high ligh are: CattleyaDendrobium, and Vanda.

RECOMMENDED BOOKS: Orchids Care and Cultivation by Gerald Terquem & Jean Parisot
................................Taylor's Guide to Orchids by Judy White

A. Phalaenopsis hybrids enjoy the light behind curtains and window blinds in this master bedroom.
B. Too much light can permanently sunburn the orchid leaves.
C. A good way to tell if a plant is receiving too much light is by feeling the leaves' temperature.
D. Masdevallia veitchiana is by nature cool-loving and suited to cultivation only in cool places.